The Coppell Cowboy Theatre Drama Club is a student-led organization supported by the CHS Theatre Boosters. Drama Club meetings are open to all theatre kids and are a great way to connect.
These students have stepped forward and been elected by their peers for the 2023-24 school year:
President - Isaac Mercado - 12th/CHS
Vice-President - Sid Gunasekaran - 12th/CHS
Vice President - Sarah Myers - 12th/New Tech
Secretary - Sanjana Sreemushta - 11th/CHS
Treasurer - Elise Howe - 12th/CHS
Treasurer Mentee - Johan Padayatti - 10th/CHS
Historian - Chloe Kryzak - 12th/CHS
ITS Officer - Anisha Satish - 11th/New Tech
Webmaster - Scarlett Snodgrass - 11th/CHS
Performer Representative - Mira Danie - 11th/CHS
Technician Representative - Amera Sayed - 12th/CHS
New Tech Liaison - Sabrina Vrla/New Tech
CHS9 Liaison - to be announced 9/6!